
Marlborough Road pupils are amazing!

This is what they think of their school:

“I like school because you learn all different skills. Teachers really help you break things down into manageable pieces. It’s like baby steps, when you first learn to walk”

“I will miss this place very much. I have been in lots of schools but this school is different. It’s a special memory that I will remember forever”

“My favourite subject is literacy because I can learn how to spell things or write things”

“My favourite subject is Maths because I have already chosen my future job which is to be an automotive engineer and build or fix cars”

“Our School Council has meetings at lunchtimes and we talk about health eating and how to improve our school”

Pupil Voice

Each year we ask our pupils to tells us what they think about Marlborough Road Academy. We very much value the opinions of our pupils and use the feedback to help us improve pupils’ experience of being at school.

Pupils' Charter 

Pupil Charter Marlborough Road Academy


Paint a self portrait

Perform a song to an audience

Watch caterpillars grow and change into butterflies

Meet farm animals

Go on a nature walk throughout the year

Go on an egg hunt


Bake from scratch

Perform a dragon dance

Talk about and observe a life cycle

Take part in a nativity

Visit the theatre

Make playdough

Year 1/2

Curriculum visit

Visit a museum/Science Workshop

Developing a sense of place

Walk of school grounds/walk of local area

Developing an awareness of faith

Visit a Church/Mosque

Food and nutrition

Make a fruit kebab/Make Eton Mess


Plant a flower/Plant vegetables

Developing confidence

Perform to parents/Take part in drama experience

Just for fun

Make playdough/Make slime

Year 3

Curriculum visit

Take part in a  history role play workshop (external provider)

Developing a sense of place

Visit the local library

Developing an awareness of faith

Visit an interactive faith experience 

Food and nutrition

Make a salad


Plant strawberries

Developing confidence

Take part in performance  experience – Big Sing/Green Love

Just for fun

Make a bird feeder

Year 4

Curriculum visit

Visit a nature reserve

Developing a sense of place

Visit local leisure centre – learn to swim

Developing an awareness of faith

Visit to Jewish Museum

Food and nutrition

Make a pizza


Become Eco Warriors

Developing confidence

Take part in performance  experience – musical ensemble

Just for fun

Work with an author

Year 5/6

Curriculum visit

Go to a concert/take part in an interactive workshop

Developing a sense of place

Residential visit/Work with local emergency services – Crucial Crew

Developing an awareness of faith

Visit a Sikh temple/Interview faith leaders

Food and nutrition

Make bread/Make afternoon tea


Devise and manage an eco project/Organise an eco event

Developing confidence

Take part in Schools Shakespeare festival/Play in a day

Social responsibility

Organise a fundraising event/Organise an event for the community

Just for fun

Watch a live sporting event/Visit the cinema

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